Bull Redfish Charters in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
- “Bull Reds” also known as “Channel Bass” are the mature variety of red drum. Once Red Drum reach sexual maturity somewhere in the 35in range, they begin to spend the rest of their lives in deeper water where they will feed and spawn. The average size of the Bull Reds that we catch range from 35in to 45in(15-30lbs). Winyah Bay is the epicenter of several spawning events that occur in the Spring and Fall with the latter being the main event.
- We target Bull Reds in the ocean over live bottom, jetties, and in the surf. We also target them inside the inlets, deep channels, and in some shallow water areas. Due to size restrictions on these fish, this is catch and release only and we take great care in making sure these fish are released healthy to ensure good numbers of redfish for the future.
- We use a number of angling tactics which include casting large swim baits in likely areas, bottom fishing with fresh caught bait, surf fishing from the beaches and sandbars, and fly fishing using heavy flies and sinking line.
- Bull Redfish are a lot of fun for the entire family as there is not a lot of skill required to catch these prehistoric animals.